Founder + CNM

Meet Marielle Tomlin

“As a Midwife I get to be very hands on and serve women one on one, but I wanted to reach pregnant women and moms on a larger scale and help them prioritize self care. As a Mom myself, I know how easy it can be to lose yourself for your kids. It starts by skipping a step in your skincare routine, then it snowballs until you’ve lost your signature “sauciness.” That’s why I started Saucy Mama – for moms to love themselves in motherhood.”

Take the Saucy Mama Pledge

I promise to not lose myself in motherhood, to find community and be the Mama my kids need. I promise to make time for myself, to revel in little luxuries. I promise to be the partner my partner needs, to show appreciation and affection for them, and model healthy relationships. I promise to stay saucy, no matter how many times life gives me spilt milk or Legos on the living room floor.

I promise to [fill in your own blank, Mama.]

You got this.