Saucy Mama Story: Milo's Water Birth

Saucy Mama Story: Milo's Water Birth

Before this birth experience, I had three hospital births. I’ve always dreamed to birth at home, I just never thought it would be possible for me for different reasons. At my 20 week appointment with my OB during this pregnancy, it was clear that my values and what I wanted for the birth of our fourth baby was not going to happen with the practice I was currently attending. So following that appointment, I researched more on home births and prayed a midwife in my area would have openings for the month we were due.
That’s when I found Marielle through a local Moms Facebook group. She ended up being the first midwife I contacted, and after chatting with her one time over the phone I knew I wanted her as my midwife. The way she navigated each of our questions made everything all of a sudden feel so incredibly stress free. Her confidence, knowledge and openness made me feel like she’d be the perfect person to assist us with the remainder of our pregnancy and birth of our son.

I knew I wanted a water birth from the moment we decided to have our baby at home. 

I’ve always dreamed of being able to birth in water, knowing how soothing it would be during those harder moments of labor. So anytime Marielle asked what my vision was for our birth at our appointments, my response was always.. “I know birth can take its own path, but… I just want to be in water.”

The day of the birth:

I was woken up to my waters breaking at 2AM. With my three older children, after my waters had broken my labor would speed up and baby would be earth side very quickly.
So, I was excited.. thinking that our baby would be there soon. My husband and I both got up and started preparing for the birth. We contacted everyone that was going to be involved, set up the birth altar, started tending to the pool and we waited. Hours were going by and my contractions would go off and on, not falling to a pattern. Marielle was so wonderful about checking in, seeing how I was feeling throughout the day and giving advice where needed.
After about the 4th walk around our neighborhood, bouncing on my birth ball all day, dancing and also relaxing with my family.. my contractions were still spotty.. varying off and on.
Marielle decided to come over around 4pm with all the magic up her sleeves. She offered a couple solutions that we could try, and finally labor took off and got very strong a hour or so later.


Once it was time to get in the pool, I cannot explain how relieved I felt. 

My contractions were getting to the point of almost intolerable, and getting into the warm water completely flooded my body with relaxation and I was able to really start tuning into my body. I educated myself a lot during pregnancy on hypnobirthing, so every time a contraction would come on, I’d soften into my body and release where I felt the most tense.. and surrendered to that constant unfolding. Being in the water allowed my body to flow through each contraction and gave me the ability to put myself in positions that I felt I needed to be in.. swaying with the motion and fluidity of the water, all the while easing my mental and physical self. At one point I had gotten out of the tub to use the bathroom, and had a contraction outside of the water and I remember saying to my husband “I need to get back in the tub NOW!” Being out of the water literally made me feel the intensity that much more and my body craved that ease that the water helped create.

When it was time for me to push, my husband jumped in the tub with me, 

and Marielle showed him how he could catch our son. I get so choked up thinking about how special it was for him to be the first person to touch our child on earth, and how confident he felt doing so because of the amazing support Marielle gave. Our son was born at 10:17PM in the presence of our family.. including his three big sisters. Having my daughters watch their brother be born was also such an amazing experience that I never thought to be possible. Each of them witnessed the power and grace of life, and how precious and beautiful it all is. My middle daughter jumped in the tub with us as soon as our son was born and the three of us with our other two girls next to the tub shared such an amazing moment meeting our newest member.
After getting out and drying off, we went over to our bed where we held a cord burning ceremony and I was able to nurse him while doing so. After his cord was severed, Marielle and her nurse Angie weighed him, got his adorable foot prints and did his whole check up right on my bed. It was absolutely amazing to be in the comfort of our home with such a stellar team of support. I can’t recommend Marielle or water birthing enough.. both helped create such a dream birth that I’m so thankful to have had and be able to share with other women.
 Our family is forever grateful.
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